Icom 756 Filter Mod
Source Unknown

Connect a jumper between the outer pins on the
455 kHz acc filter slot. Then go to setup and select the FL-222
as an acc filter at 455 kHz. Now when you select USB-N or LSB-N
as an operating mode, you will have a 15 kHz bandwidth for monitoring
eSSB audio. This is overkill, as most TX info is less than 6 kHz
due to 3.1 kHz low pass filter (some blow-by occurs, especially
when higher frequencies are enhanced with EQ etc...
A better choice may be to jumper the ACC 9 MHz filter slot, allowing
you to use the 9 kHz filter at 455 kHz I.F.
Icom 756 PRO II, PRO III, and 780 users should set their twin passband tuning controls "SFT"
to a +300 carrier shift when listening in 3.6kHz to optimize single sideband fidelity on receive. This assures that when listening
in 3.6kHz, that all of the receiver response is listening in a single sideband (the full 3.6kHz) as opposed to 3.3kHz on one sideband and 300Hz
on the opposite sideband.